legend, legends and friends

Mathieu Dubois mathieu.dubois at limsi.fr
Thu Aug 26 15:20:27 CEST 2010


I would like to add a legend to my plot.

There are 2 functions to do that in scilab:
  - legend which create a Legend graphic entity as children of current axes
  - legends (note the 's') which create a Axes graphic entity and plot in it

I have problems with both. In short I have a graph and I want to put the 
legend on the right. Due to the graph I have to put the legend aside it 
(so a positive argument to legend doesn't work). I would like to avoid 
manual placement.

For legend, my problem is that the positioning options (with negative 
arguments) don't work well for me (either the legend hides the graph 
either it is partly 'out of the window').
Can legend resize the window?

Concerning legends, it can put the legend below the graph (which is 
resized) which is fine but... let's say unusual.
Why is not possible to put it on the right (this is different than the 
upper-right positioning of legend)?

What can I do?

Thanks in advance,

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