subplot padding/spacing

Matt Bigarani matt at
Tue Dec 14 23:47:35 CET 2010

Hi All,


I want to display about 20 subplots in a  single window. The issues I'm
running into are that Scilab isn't using all of the area available to it
and plot titles are overlapping axis titles... (See this PNG: That's with a 5x4 grid of subplots. A 4x5
grid has similar issues with plots & titles fitting inside the window.


I'm dumping all of this data to scilab using the C API. I know I can use
get("current_axes"); and a.margins=[?,?,?,?];  to lay each subplot out
how I want. I'm wondering if there's an easier way to add some spacing
between subplots and possibly center the whole bunch in the middle of
the window?



Matt Bigarani

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