Cyrillic and greek alphabets in JLaTeXMath

Calixte.Denizet at Calixte.Denizet at
Sun Jan 10 23:27:54 CET 2010

Hi everybody,

I added cyrillic and greek alphabets in JLaTeXMath (and the most of characters of latin languages, two chars are missing in the icelandic alphabet). My knowledge in greek, russian (or other languages using cyrillic alphabet), czech, polish, swedish, ... is very poor. So I'd like to find users which use these languages to test the new features and make a bug report (write directly to me)

You can download the package (0.8.6 version) at
You just have to put the new archive in the directory SCI/thirdparty and modify the file SCI/etc/classpath.xml (just change the good line !) :
<path value="/usr/local/share/java/jlatexmath-0.8.6.jar" load="onUse">
         <load on="graphics_latex_textrendering"/>
         <load on="pdf_ps_eps_graphic_export"/>

To use it, you must load alphabet in using \addAlphabet{greek} or \addAlphabet{cyrillic} (just once to load the configuration files and the fonts), the default encoding is UTF-8 so you can use directly xtitle('$\mbox{Математика}$'), xtitle('$\mbox{Μαθηματικά}$' or xtitle('$\mbox{Matematică}$').

If you have commentaries or if you find bugs, don't hesitate to write me : calixte dot denizet at ac-rennes dot fr.

Best regards,


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