Scilab Language

Miguel Moura Paredes mig.m.p at
Tue Jul 20 23:37:39 CEST 2010

Greetings Scilab Team

First of all, let me congratulate you fior the development of such an extraordinary software, which is gaining more and more supporters each and has certainly gained mine.

Here is my question. When I download Scilab for windows, I can choose the language and I choose English.
But when I am working with Linux (Ubuntu), since I am Portuguese, I use the Portuguese language definitons for Ubuntu. When I try to install Scilab in Linux, it is allways installed in Portuguese (Brazillian) but I want to install it in English, because i don't like the brazillian version.

How can I do that?

Keep up the good work.

Best Regards. 



Miguel Moura Paredes

mig.m.p at



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