Plotlib 0.4

StŽéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at
Thu Mar 18 11:36:32 CET 2010

Hi all,

I am proud to announce the release of Plotlib 0.4

This new version is, more that ever, dedicated to Matlab users planning 
to switch
to Scilab. The new features of the plotlib gives further compatibility 
with Matlab graphics.
Follow this link to see the new features :

and this one to see a bunch of screenshots :

For the moment this version does not support older versions of Scilab 
(the required
version is scilab >=5.2 and some features, in particular the overloading 
of 'set' and 'get',
need the nightly build of master branch), but the porting to ScicosLab 
should be
easy (the main problem is about Scilab 5 graphic properties which do not 
exist or behave
differently in ScicosLab).

The plotlib will we available thru ATOMS in a few days, in the meantime, 
please use
the following links :

Linux/Unix users :
Windows users :

I hope that prospective Scilab users will find what they need in the 
Plotlib. Of course,
many features are missing, but the most important high-level commands 
are available.

Actually, some of these new features may break some scripts using actual 
graphics. But the Plotlib should now give you enough low-level control 
(by means
of the overloaded 'set' and 'get' macros) so that you won't need to mix 
native Scilab
graphic commands and Plotlib ones.

If you use the Plotlib and find any bugs or need some features which are 
just le me know.

Enjoy !


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