Loading 5.2.2 - Is there a problem?

ray joseph ray at aarden.us
Thu May 6 06:31:32 CEST 2010

I replaced my 5.2.1 by using Windows 2000 control panel to remove it and
then ran the executable from the Scilab site to install 5.2.2.

1)  At the setup of scilab 5.2.2, on the setup window "Ready to Install", I
get an error message window called 'Setup' which states 'Impossible to
download Intel Math Kernel Library files for Scilab.  OK".  What does this
mean, and what should I do?

2)  On selecting the "OK", the installation continued.  Then a new Setup
window popped up with the message "Some files have a wrong MD5 checksum.
Blas, lapack Reference libraries will be installed.  OK".  What does this
mean, and what should I do?

3)  Then the installation 'completed'.  How do I determine what I did?

Scilab comes up just like 5.2.1, as far as I can tell.


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