Problems on MacOSX Snow Leopard - Scilab not starting

Kay-Uwe Götz kay-uwe.goetz at
Mon May 31 07:17:51 CEST 2010


several of us have reported problems about Scilab not starting on one of 
their machines while it is starting on their other Mac. A typical setup 
is that it works on a MacBook while it is not working on an iMac. This 
is also the case in my setup. In my setup, I can run Scilab without any 
problem on my MacBook Air. On my iMac I have the problem of "the hanging 
java logo". I can start Scilab on the iMac if I add the parameter -nogui.

I've tried all the suggestions of checking links in Java_Home, 
installing 1.5.0 in addition to 1.6 etc. Nothing worked.

I suspect that it is an interaction of Scilab with some other installed 
software. My proposal is that people experiencing the same problem 
(works on one machine, but not on the other) post here a list of 
software that is installed on the machine where it doesn't run, but NOT 
on the machine, where it runs. Maybe we can find some similarities and 
track the problem down.

Here is my list:
+ 1password
+ Airfoil Speakers
+ Airfoil
+ Garmin Training Center
+ Gisteq Phototrackr
+ GoogleEarth
+ iTunes Library Manager
+ LINN Download Manager
+ Spyder2Express
+ Adobe AIR Application Installer/Uninstaller
+ iPhone Backup Extractor
+ TrueCrypt


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