[scilab-Users] plot efficiency

Mathieu Dubois mathieu.dubois at limsi.fr
Sun Oct 24 22:26:28 CEST 2010

Le 24/10/2010 22:07, Peng Du a écrit :
> Hi Mathieu,
> Yes I think you are right. So I think I need to improve the way that
> data is read because simply changing the stacksize won't solve the
> problem fundamentally.
Stack' size is a recurrent problem under Scilab (in fact it can also 
append in compiled language although I'm not sure that this is the same 
problem). The point is that your data are stored on the stack so 
changing the way you read data won't change the problem (of course if 
you use large intermediary variable you can free them but if your data 
are really huge you will reach the problem some day).

Increasing stack' size is really the solution. It's common under Scilab 
(I think that version 6 will solve this). Matlab also has this. Most of 
my scripts start with stacksize(2000000). And if I they still not work I 
simply add a 0. Of course at some point you reach hardaware/OS limit but 
I have never faced the problem. There was a message a few month ago from 
someone who read so many data that Scilab wasn't allowed to allocate 
memory. I think that he/she split his dataset.

> And talking about matrix, is the effect of using a 16*n matrix the same
> with using 16 1*n arrays? How can I change my program so it requires
> smaller stacksize and probably runs faster?
I think that a n*16 matrix (16 columns) consume more or less the same 
amount of memory than 16 n*1 matrices (probably a bit less - a few bits 

But most Scilab function can work with matrices so it may be more 
convenient. In statistics it is common to put data in a m*n matrix where 
each column represent a variable (so there are n variables) and each 
line an observation (disclaimer: I'm not a statistician :)

One function that is very helpful for fast I/O is mscanf. It's a bit 
hard to understand but once you get, it's very useful.

Another function is fscanfMat.


> Thanks.
> Peng
> On 24 October 2010 20:58, Mathieu Dubois <mathieu.dubois at limsi.fr
> <mailto:mathieu.dubois at limsi.fr>> wrote:
>     Hi Peng
>     Le 24/10/2010 21:12, Peng Du a écrit :
>         Hi everyone.
>         I have a question about how to plot efficiently.
>         My scilab program reads data from a file containing 16 columns. Each
>         column represents the data for a polyline. So what I have been
>         doing so
>         far is to build 16 separate arrays and plot them in one graph.
>         However
>         as the size of the file grows, sometimes up to several GBs, it
>         started
>         to take a very long time to finish and finally I got the error
>         message
>         of exceeded stack size. Does anyone know how I can work around this?
>     I don't think that problem comes from plot but rather from your data
>     reading function.
>     To increase the stack size, you can use stacksize (see
>     help("stacksize")).
>     By the way if you call plot2d with a matrix it will plot a polyline
>     for each column on the same graph.
>     HTH,
>     Mathieu

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