Where have Atoms modules gone ?

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Wed Dec 7 15:09:17 CET 2011


with the nightly build, under Mac OSX, I only see a small subset of 
atoms modules :

  ANN_Toolbox - ANN Toolbox
       apifun - Check input arguments in macros.
     coselica - Standard Open Modelica Blocks
         CPGE - CPGE dedicated Xcos blocks
   guibuilder - A Graphic User Interface Builder
maple2scilab - maple2scilab
module_lycee - Scilab pour les lycées
    optkelley - Scilab software for Iterative Methods for Optimization
    scicobyla - An interface to the COBYLA optimization method.
     scilab2c - Translate Scilab code into C code
       serial - A toolbox for communication over a Serial Port in Scilab
      stixbox - Statistics toolbox
      texmacs - texmacs

Where are the others ?


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