Scilab as dynamic models development tool. Is it possible?

Andrea.Amorosi76 at Andrea.Amorosi76 at
Thu Jun 2 16:57:49 CEST 2011

Hi to all,
I'm a Matlab/Simulink user and I would like to start to use Scilab as 
development tool.

The scope is to realize dynamical models and the final output shall be C 
code to eventually use in a more complex simulation environment.
Moreover there shall be the possibility to test the model using both 
time hystories inputs and soft real time simulation with manually 
inserted inputs via joystick and the testing environment shall be able 
to send/receive data via udp to/from other softwares. When the test is 
executed models outputs shall be saved and visible via display and scopes.

I've tried to use Xcos, but the lack of the possibility to give a name 
to inports and outports of the super blocks (as is possible in simulink 
models) is one of the reason which drives me to not use Xcos for the 
development of the models and so I think I will realize the models with 
a series of Scilab function.

The so realized models can be:
1) tested in the Scilab environment
2) tested in the Xcos environment calling the "main" function
3) traslated in C code using Scilab 2 C

Now the questions are:
1) do you think the above project to be feasible? What are the main 
difficulties you see, if any?
2) The C code generated in such a way has any restriction on the usable 
license to distribute it? Can be eventually used in a proprietray 
licensed program?
3) It is possible to send/receive UDP packets from a scilab script and 
to call python code (I've already developed a python code to interface 
with the joystick)? If I use xcos to test the model, are UDP 
send/receive blocks available? Is there any display similar to Simulink 
4) Does scilab has the ability to use and pass as input/outputs of 
function nested structures?

Thank you for your help,

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