Problem with scilab 5.3.3 and graphics

Yann COLLETTE ycollette.nospam at
Wed Nov 2 10:46:22 CET 2011


I am under mandriva 2011 + I have updated my nvidia driver to the latest 
When I launch a graphic, nothing is displayed and a strange error 
message is printed in the bash console:

Maximum number of clients reachedMaximum number of clients 
reachedMaximum number of clients reachedAn error occurred when Scilab 
tried to open a Canvas: Unable to open default display, needed for 
visual selection and offscreen surface handling
If an exception about java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError has been thrown, 
check if etc/librarypath.xml contains the path to gluegen and jogl libraries

I use the scilab shipped by mandriva. I've got the same behavior with 
scilab-5.3.3 64 bits downloaded from the website.

Best regards,


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