[Scilab-users] Emulate Object Oriented Programming

michael.baudin at contrib.scilab.org michael.baudin at contrib.scilab.org
Sun Nov 25 22:28:37 CET 2012


I have a problem with the possibility of emulating OOP in Scilab with
tlists, that prevents me to have safe "set" methods.
In the script in attachment, I created a human "class" with
two fields: name (a scalar string) and weight (a scalar real).

The problem is : how have a "set" method which is both simple and safe 

Here is how this class works :


This is simple, but is unsafe:

bob.name=-12 // Oups !

These statements are safe:


It is safe in the sense that the following statements produce an error:


The function "human_set" is safe but somewhat unconvenient to use.

The question is :

How to make so that bob.name="Will" makes the code 
bob=human_set(bob,"name","Will") be executed ? Can overloading do this ?

Is the only possible way is at the C level with the sci_percent* 
functions that Denizet wrote :


for the XML module ?

Best regards,


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