[Scilab-users] link: can not load a x64 dll in a x86 environment

steven hallacy sahallacy at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 4 17:55:09 CEST 2012

Hello, I am using the 32 bit version of scilab-5.4.0-beta-3 on a 64 bit OS. Is there any quick fix for Bug #11525?  I believe the bug is also in beta 1 and 2. When I try to create a CBLOCK in xcos,  the following link error displays in the Scilab console:   loading initial environment
    Generate a loader file
   Generate a Makefile
   Running the Makefile
   Compilation of toto.c
   Building shared library (be patient)
   Generate a cleaner file
link: can not load a x64 dll in a x86 environment.  Stephen   		 	   		  
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