[Scilab-users] text file reading with fixed width field separated by space character

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Tue Apr 23 19:11:49 CEST 2013

Hello David,

Le 23/04/2013 17:56, David Chèze a écrit :
> I know that the text file format is not very reliable but it is what i have
> : do you have any workaround using csvRead function as it is?
Why not using fscanfMat()? It reads it perfectly:

M = fscanfMat("issue-readCsv.txt")

  M  =
       column 1 to 6
  1.300D+02    7.113D-02    0.000D+00    4.488D+00 5.157D+00    8.756D-02
  1.310D+02    1.993D-01  - 1.563D-02    4.210D+00 5.019D+00    0.000D+00

       column  7 to 11
  1.000D-04    1.000D-04    1.000D-04    1.000D-04 1.000D-04
  1.000D-04    1.000D-04    1.000D-04    1.000D-04 1.000D-04


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