[Scilab-users] Several problems with mfile2sci

CRETE Denis denis.crete at thalesgroup.com
Mon Jun 10 15:06:07 CEST 2013

I list here several problems I have met during conversion of M-files with mfile2sci:

-          Matlab functions reshape and speye are non converted, and generate errors.

-          The handle for functions @(MyFunctionName) is not recognized: the @( MyFunctionName is surrounded by quotes and causes error 276

-          sprintf(Whatever) should convert into the same line. Instead a % is inserted in front of sprintf and the resulting code is not executable.

-          Structures are not converted.

-          Several functions defined in a single M-file are not accepted.

-          For array initialisation, TABs are not accepted to separate values in a row (only spaces and/or comma are recognized as valid separators; TABs generate errors). This is a nice feature of Matlab, as it allows one to obtain a clear layout of the array with respect of column presentation. I suggest to include it also in Scilab.
I did not yet prepare a piece of code to reproduce each one of the problems above; I'll be happy to do it when necessary.
Thank you for your comments, etc.

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