[Scilab-users] xclick on a Mac

grivet grivet at cnrs-orleans.fr
Thu Mar 28 16:22:44 CET 2013

I have written a small program to illustrate simple electrostatics. The 
user is supposed to click (4 times) inside the figure to place a
point charge and then to enter the value of this charge. The program 
will then compute and map the electrostatic potential.

a = gca(); a.tight_limits = "on";
xsetech(wrect=[0,0,1,1],frect=[-5,-5,5,5],arect = 0.99*[1,1,1,1]);
np = 4; i = 1;
xinfo("clic gauche dans la fenĂȘtre pour placer une charge (4 en tout)");
while i <= np
     [ib,xx,yy] = xclick(1);
     if abs(xx) < 5 & abs(yy) < 5 & ib==3
           xs(i) = xx; ys(i)=yy;

         charge(i) = evstr(x_dialog("valeur de la charge: ","1"));
         if charge(i) >0 then
             plot2d(xs(i),ys(i),style = -4,strf="002")
             plot2d(xs(i),ys(i),style = -5,strf="002")
         i = i+1;
     xinfo("clic gauche dans la fenĂȘtre pour placer une charge (il reste 
" + string(5-i)+ " charge(s))");
/............potential computation and display.........../

This program performs quite well under WinXP/SP3. However, when run ona 
Mac (OS X version 10.7.5
Scilab 5.4.0 ), it stops after the first click; Scilab emits 
screen-fulls of Java error messages and warnings.

Can naybody help me run this softaware on the Mac ?
Thank you in advance for your time and help.

JP Grivet

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