[Scilab-users] Javasci

Rhandy Carvalho rhamoy at gmail.com
Wed May 29 23:19:48 CEST 2013

I started using the Javasci in my project. In my code, i try to use the
method grand of Scilab, sci.exec("y=grand(10,1,'poi',0.1);"), but when i
take the value with ScilabType yoo=sci.get("y")
the  message shows up:

Could not find variable 'y'

and below this message appears:

HDF5: infinite loop closing library
A previous error has been detected while loading libscirandlib.so: <dir
home>//scilab-5.4.1/lib/scilab/libscirandlib.so: undefined symbol: pvApiCtx


I don't have any idea of what the problem is. Can anyone help me?
*Rhandy Rafhael Carvalho
*Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação - UFG*
*Programador JavaEE - LabTIME*
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