[Scilab-users] Suppressing figure window

Calixte Denizet calixte.denizet at scilab-enterprises.com
Sat Dec 13 13:47:49 CET 2014

Hi Tim,

You could use the function driver:

my_path = "/tmp";
driver("pdf"); // select the driver to use
xinit(my_path+"/foo.pdf") // set the output file name
plot2d(); // draw something

Best regards


On 13/12/2014 00:38, Tim Wescott wrote:
> I have some papers that I maintain on my web site, for example:
> http://wescottdesign.com/articles/Sampling/sampling.pdf.
> These are authored in lyx, with some figures generated with Scilab.  The
> site is archived as software, and built using a makefile, including the
> pdf files.  Rather than keeping the figures as generated graphics files,
> I keep the Scilab files and generate the figures as needed.
> To generate a figure, make runs it's generating script from a shell,
> e.g.
> scilab -nw -nb -e
> "execstr(['errcatch(-1,''kill'')';'scf';'exec(''motor-PD-friction.sce'');';'quit'])"
> When this happens Scilab silently opens, but when it actually makes the
> figure it opens the window on top of whatever is running, draws it, then
> closes it.  Since I have several papers on the site (and its growing),
> this means that I can't leave the make running in the background and get
> work done, because I'm constantly getting windows created in my face.
> It's kind of like trying to read in the same room as a cat, except that
> Scilab figures are not warm and fuzzy, and they do not purr.
> Is there a way to tell Scilab to create a figure but to keep it
> minimized?  Alternately, is there a Unix trick to tell the OS to act
> like everything is going to a monitor, but suppress it?
> Thanks in advance.

Calixte Denizet
Software Development Engineer
Scilab Enterprises
143bis rue Yves Le Coz - 78000 Versailles, France

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