[Scilab-users] export graphics to EMF

A Khorshidi akhorshidi at live.com
Sun Feb 2 09:49:56 CET 2014


I wanna export Scilab graphics directly into emf format but xs2emf function returns unexpected error message! 

-->  plot2d();
-->  xs2emf(0,'plotex.emf')
 !--error 10000 
xs2emf: Unable to execute pstoedit.
at line      95 of function xs2emf called by :  
Before using this function, It's necessary to install the following software:

Moreover we need to edit path names to point to the correct files. So I modified the file "xs2emf.sci" as below: 
line# 52: if fileinfo("C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.07\bin\gsdll32.dll") == [] then
line# 70: pstoeditPath = "C:\Program Files\pstoedit\pstoedit.exe";

Also there is an related bug report on bugzilla. Please see: http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11853
So, how can I overcome this issue?! 

However, I can use pstoedit from other software such as GSview and it convert eps files to emf properly. 
Furthermore, it has been mentioned that PStoEdit has a DLL which can be used directly by GSview!  (see GSview's homepage) 


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