[Scilab-users] Test statistics with linregr function

Samuel Enibe samuel.enibe at unn.edu.ng
Thu Jul 24 17:35:44 CEST 2014

Dear sir,

I am using the *linregr* multiple regression  function to analyse some
field data. I have obtained the multiple regression coefficients *b* built
into the *stat* output variable. For each coefficient *b(i)*, I need to
determine the standard error, Z-score, P-value and  95% confidence interval.

How can I do this with *linregr* or any other suitable SCILAB function. I
have found it a bit difficult using the *automatic* and similar functions
built into the  *Grocer*  toolbox of Eric DuBois which could have been a
way out.

I will appreciate any help.

Samuel Ogbonna Enibe

<enibesam at yahoo.com>
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