[Scilab-users] Fwd: End of line and tab characters in SCILAB

Samuel Enibe samuel.enibe at unn.edu.ng
Thu Sep 10 16:39:18 CEST 2015

Dear sir,

Could you please let me know the command to detect white spaces such
as end of line and tab characters in SCILAB. I tried the "\n" and "\t"
respectively but they did not work.

Thank you very much.

God bless you.

Samuel Ogbonna Enibe
BEng (Nig), MSc (Reading, England), PhD (Nig)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Tel: +2348063646798
Email: samuel.enibe at unn.edu.ng
     enibesam at yahoo.com

Samuel Ogbonna Enibe
BEng (Nig), MSc (Reading, England), PhD (Nig)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria
Tel: +2348063646798
Email: samuel.enibe at unn.edu.ng
     enibesam at yahoo.com

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