[Scilab-users] Fwd: End of line and tab characters in SCILAB

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Thu Sep 10 21:30:33 CEST 2015


If you are processing strings with only ASCII characters -- with no 
UTF-8 extensions --, you may use ascii() and then test the presence of 
ascii(10) for "\n" or ascii(9) for "\t".
But the most efficient way is to use a regular expression. In a regexp, 
EndOfLine is represented with $. As far as i know, it represents  either 
"\n" or "\r" or both. tab is "\t", or any white separator is "\s" (for " 
","\t", "\n" or "\r").

May you post your test with "\n" or "\t", with the way you get/generate 
the string in which you want to detect white spaces? It would help 
answering to you for your application.
Samuel Gougeon

Le 10/09/2015 16:39, Samuel Enibe a écrit :
> Dear sir,
> Could you please let me know the command to detect white spaces such
> as end of line and tab characters in SCILAB. I tried the "\n" and "\t"
> respectively but they did not work.
> Thank you very much.
> God bless you.

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