[Scilab-users] grayplot

Rafael Guerra jrafaelbguerra at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 27 21:56:55 CEST 2016

Hi again,

After tidying up Nec's code a bit further and applying Samuel's xfarcs receipe for colored scatter plots in Scilab 5x, I encountered the following strange behavior. For some reason, in the code here below, xfarcs has to be called twice in order to display properly all the data...

x=[8030 8040 7998 8008 8037 7956 7937 7963 7919 7920];
y=[9478 9533 9578 9590 9597 9626 9627 9723 9766 9768];
z=[-2.39965177 1.81709373 -1.14068067 -2.95249772 -3.25881290 1.36802530 -1.46287727 ...
    -6.40911865 1.03929353 1.49115121];

xm = min(x); xM = min(x); dx = strange(x);
ym = min(y); yM = min(y); dy = strange(y);
zm = min(z); zM = max(z);

xtitle("Color coded scatter data under Scilab 5x")
mg = 0.05; // plot area relative margin
nc = 64; // number of colors
rect = [xm,ym,xM,yM]+mg*[-dx,-dy,dx,dy];
// plotframe(rect)  // currently is issuing error message
p = get("hdl");
f = gcf();
f.color_map = jetcolormap(nc);

// shaping dots (by S.Gougeon)
ar = f.axes_size; ar = ar(1)/ar(2); // w/h aspect ratio of figure
dotsize_r = 0.04;   // relative size of dots
h = dy*dotsize_r;
w = dx*dotsize_r/ar;
dots = [x-w/2; y+h/2; ones(x)*w; ones(x)*h; zeros(x); ones(x)*64*360];
c = round(1+(z-zm)*(nc-1)/(zM-zm)); // dots colors scaled against z-value
xfarcs(dots, c);   // plotting dots (the first time does not work well!?)
xfarcs(dots, c);   // second time seems to be Ok...
/////// END OF CODE



From: users [mailto:users-bounces at lists.scilab.org] On Behalf Of Samuel Gougeon
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 8:15 PM
To: Users mailing list for Scilab <users at lists.scilab.org>
Subject: Re: [Scilab-users] grayplot

Le 27/10/2016 18:50, Rafael Guerra a écrit :
Hi Samuel,

Scilab-6  'scatter' plot function seems indeed quite adequate for these data.
Would it be possible to produce such scatter plots with dots color coded (as attached) in Scilab 5?
yes it is, for instance using xfarcs() as below.
np = 40;    // number of points
x = grand(1,np, "unf", -20, 140);
y = grand(1,np, "unf", -50, 300);
dz = 6.4;
z = grand(1,np, "unf", -dz, dz);

f = gcf();
nc = 100;
f.color_map = jetcolormap(nc);
plotframe([-20 -50 140 300])
c = round((z+dz)/(2*dz)*(nc-1)+1); // colors of dots scaled against their z
// shaping dots
ar = f.axes_size; ar = ar(1)/ar(2); // w/h aspect ratio of figure
dotsize_r = 0.04;   // relative size of dots
h = strange(y)*dotsize_r;
w = strange(x)*dotsize_r/ar;
dots = [x ; y ; ones(x)*w ; ones(x)*h ; zeros(x) ; ones(x)*64*360];
// plotting dots
xfarcs(dots, c);
// colorbar

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