[Scilab-users] Some errors and a question.

Pablo Fonovich Pablo_F_7 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 5 14:53:56 CET 2017

Hi, Thanks for your answer.

> First of all, i cannot run scilab 6.0 in Ubuntu 17.10, gives
> GTKLookAndFeel error that was adressed in the past, but not resolved.
I cannot reproduce on my linux machine, but I'm also not using Ubuntu.
However the error is kinda strange, since Scilab doesn't use the Gimp
Toolkit (GTK). So I suspect it is something wrong with your environment /
desktop setting.

Yes, it could be. Anyway i'm not the only getting this error on ubuntu. See this link: https://www.scivision.co/install-scilab-linux/


> Second, in my Ubuntu 16.04 PC, scilab 6.0 gives seg fault when trying to
> use bode function.
Can you provide a minimal code snippet to reproduce?

t1 = 1225; t2 = 3245;
tau = 3/2 * ( t2 - t1 )
theta = t2 - tau


In console, it gives: Segmentation fault (core dumped) (ubuntu 16.04, scilab 6) In scilab 5.5.2 works fine the same code.

De: users <users-bounces at lists.scilab.org> en nombre de Richard llom <richard.llom at gmail.com>
Enviado: martes, 05 de diciembre de 2017 05:16 a.m.
Para: users at lists.scilab.org
Asunto: Re: [Scilab-users] Some errors and a question.

PabloF wrote:
> First of all, i cannot run scilab 6.0 in Ubuntu 17.10, gives
> GTKLookAndFeel error that was adressed in the past, but not resolved.
I cannot reproduce on my linux machine, but I'm also not using Ubuntu.
However the error is kinda strange, since Scilab doesn't use the Gimp
Toolkit (GTK). So I suspect it is something wrong with your environment /
desktop setting.

> Second, in my Ubuntu 16.04 PC, scilab 6.0 gives seg fault when trying to
> use bode function.
Can you provide a minimal code snippet to reproduce?

> And last, is there a way to simulate a trasnfer function with delay using
> csim? i'm using pade aproximation by hand right now...
Sorry no clue about that one.


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