[Scilab-users] Exporting graphic figure and its calcs

Alexis Cros Alexis.Cros at promes.cnrs.fr
Tue May 30 15:58:40 CEST 2017


I have created a graphic figure which contains several things :

         - uicontrol frames which contain axes (polarplot, plot2d...)

         - uicontrol texts

gui_sumup  =  figure(55,  	'Position',  [0  0  my_screen_size(1)-H_BORDERS_THICK  my_screen_size(2)-START_BAR_THICK],..                                                   // Position x, y and size x, y
                					'BackgroundColor',  BLUE,..
               					'Figure_name',  'Emissivity compute utility')

I would like to export the full figure containing all entities. When I 
execute the folowing instruction, only the background figure is exported :

xs2png(gui_sumup,  computed_folder_path  +  '\Graphs\SUM_UP-'  +  csv_main_header_edit.String  +  '.png')


xs2png(55 ,  computed_folder_path  +  '\Graphs\SUM_UP-'  +  csv_main_header_edit.String  +  '.png')

Is there a way to encapsulate all entities into the general figure (like 
merging?) to export it ?



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