[Scilab-users] surf and %nan

Richard llom richard.llom at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 09:33:16 CET 2017

Hey Rafael & Samuel,
thanks for the replies.

However I'm really having a hard time to process this data.
This is the raw data in question:

My minimal script:
asc_list = listfiles('*.asc');
asc_idx = 1; 
asc_file = asc_list(asc_idx);
[asc_data, comments] = fscanfMat(asc_file);
[a,b] = find(asc_data==-999);
asc_data(a,b) = %nan;

Right now it even fails at processing the -999 to nans... It's like I'm
hitting bugs in scilabs?

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