[Scilab-users] scilab2c toolbox query

Clément David Clement.David at esi-group.com
Wed Sep 6 15:43:41 CEST 2017

Hello Abhinav,

Nice to have someone interested in scilab2c. Currently there is no active maintainer, feel free to
contribute to it.

> 1) To write a new function, we always have to decide the output sizes according to scalar inputs
> or size of input matrix. But, if our output size depends on an element which is a part of matrix,
> what can we do to assign the output size accordingly.

The current code generation need a C-like arguments representation for the Scilab function to
generate the good corresponding C function call. If you wish to have a more dynamic behavior to
define the outputs argument you should probably need to serialize/deserialize them in some way to a
raw vector.

> 2) There are few functions whose output size has no relation to input matrix sizes, or they don't
> follow any regular pattern. For example, they depend on rank of input matrix or something else.
> For such functions, is there any work around to estimate the size first and assign accordingly in
> the Tool Initialisation part.

No currently in the Scilab2C code and with my limited understanding, there is no way to compute the
number of / size of the arguments. This approach however is fully valid and is partially implemented
in the Scilab 6 analysis pass. A completely rewritten Scilab2C could then use the propagated size /
types constraints to handle theses dynamic functions. Could you give me a function you wish to add ?



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