[Scilab-users] ATOMS error Scilab 5.5.2

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Aug 27 20:20:39 CEST 2018

Le 27/08/2018 à 18:47, DrVS a écrit :
> Hello Samuel,
> Thank you for your answer.
> After your suggestion, i've try again (with lot of hope) with the right
> version and file.
> For example, this one : https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/CPGE/1.6.1
> But, i still have an error 1000...
> /-->atomsInstall("C:\Users\vince\Downloads\CPGE_1.6.1_5.5-1.bin.zip")
> Scanning repository http://atoms.scilab.org/5.5 ... Done

OK, i am also very surprised by this behavior. It is due to the fact 
that ATOMS must be set in offline mode first. To me, this should be the 
default mode when a file is provided. But when actually trying
with CPGE, i understand why it is not the case.

Let's do it with Coselica. It is simpler, because it has no dependency.
To set ATOMS in offline mode we do:

--> atomsSetConfig offline True

Then we download the right Coselica zipped binary file, and we install it:
--> atomsInstall coselica_0.6.4-0.bin.zip

I have tried it: It fails !! The ATOMS client tries to download 
something on the web, in *an infinite loop*!
When trying, it  comes that this module is badly packaged. Noticeably, 
it has no loader.sce file!
So, even if its installation was easy, it could not be loaded.
So, the last old solution is the following:

  * Uncompress yourself coselica_0.6.4-0.bin.zip
  * Put the coselica_0.6.4 directory in the SCI/contrib one.
  * In the coselica_0.6.4, add a file loader.sce with the following content:
    // This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See
    // Generated by builder.sce: Please, do not edit this file

      error("Scilab 5.0 or more is required.");


  * exit Scilab and restart a Scilab 5.5.2 session
  * Then, you will see "Coselica_6.0.4" in the Console's Toolboxes menu.
    Selects it
  * This loads Coselica. At last! Unfortunately,
  * The package does not load properly : an error occurs while loading:
      !--error 10000
    xcosPalAddBlock: Wrong type for input argument "block": function as
    string or Block type or full path string expected.

So, i guess that the 36329 downloads of this version were 36329 failures...
To me, not providing a loader.sce means that this package must NOT be 
The 0.6.6 version looks well-packaged, for Scilab 6. At least, it has a 


For CPGE: This module depends on the "iodelay" module (this is indicated 
in its online description).
This means that you must install iodelay first. Otherwise, ATOMS with 
see that you don't have it, and will try to find it *online*, *even in 
offline mode*. Finally, it display an error message in the console about 
the fact that iodelay is missing.
This is also the ATOMS client behavior in Scilab 6.0. In my opinion, it 
is not correct: A warning message should be displayed in the console, 
and the installation stopped, without error. offline means offline.

So, try it: install iodelay. And then instal CPGE, and try to load it. 
It should be OK. It has a right loader.sce, that calls it .start file.


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