[Scilab-users] GUI programming

Claus Futtrup cfuttrup at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 19:49:23 CET 2018

Hi Scilabers

Is there a comprehensive manual or book (in English, or alt German) about
programming GUI in Scilab? (or a comprehensive web-page)

I've found the Openeering one (18 pages):
... and I've looked at the help pages for uicontrol + run some of the GUI
demos in Scilab.

I have almost no background in GUI programming, nothing successful anyway,
but it could be nice if I could at least get some basic GUI up running
(e.g. a figure where one can manage some controls on the left side + see
the polar plot etc on the right side).

I think that what I need is not just examples. I need explanations, and
preferably something coherent that I can combine and work with, into
something that works.

I've installed GUI builder from ATOMS. In the past I've never been happy
with programming on a high level. I prefer to understand what goes on under
the hood... so GUI builder is a bit of a desperate grasp on my part.

Best regards,
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