[Scilab-users] GUI programming

amonmayr at laas.fr amonmayr at laas.fr
Fri Jan 26 16:38:19 CET 2018


Last time I built GUI with Scilab, I did not find a comprehensive 
website or book on the subject and resorted to a bunch of separate 
sources (see Nikokay's answer).
Here are a bunch of issues/tricks I learned by trial & error:

- as for now, you cannot export uicontrols using the figure menu or the 
"xs2svg, xs2png, ..." functions. It means that for example if you put 
two frames side by side, one with buttons, the other one with a plot (an 
axis), you'll get a blank image if you export it. It's quite 
inconvenient when trying to build a documentation with visual examples.

- the documentation for gridbag layout constraint is just useless ( 
), but this layout is just the best in term of functionalities and 
flexibility. It took me a lot of time to half understand how it works, 
reading java documentations and trying to fill-in the gaps.

- There is a nice trick to get a responsive GUI even if your callback 
functions take some time to execute. The idea is, from within the 
callback function, to first disable the callback function of the 
uicontrol, run the long calculation and then re-enable the callback. 
That way you avoid getting a huge amount of events and callbacks that 
accumulate and lag behind the actions of the user. As an example, 
imagine a slider where the callback function runs a 500ms-long 
calculation and plot the results on a graph. If you don't apply the 
trick described above, sliding the slider can generate 10's of events in 
a fraction of a second and then you have to wait for all the 
calculations and plotting to finish in order to get back to a usable GUI.

Hope it helps,


Le 24/01/2018 à 19:49, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
> Hi Scilabers
> Is there a comprehensive manual or book (in English, or alt German) 
> about programming GUI in Scilab? (or a comprehensive web-page)
> I've found the Openeering one (18 pages):
> http://www.openeering.com/sites/default/files/LHY_Tutorial_Gui.pdf
> ... and I've looked at the help pages for uicontrol + run some of the 
> GUI demos in Scilab.
> I have almost no background in GUI programming, nothing successful 
> anyway, but it could be nice if I could at least get some basic GUI up 
> running (e.g. a figure where one can manage some controls on the left 
> side + see the polar plot etc on the right side).
> I think that what I need is not just examples. I need explanations, 
> and preferably something coherent that I can combine and work with, 
> into something that works.
> I've installed GUI builder from ATOMS. In the past I've never been 
> happy with programming on a high level. I prefer to understand what 
> goes on under the hood... so GUI builder is a bit of a desperate grasp 
> on my part.
> Best regards,
> Claus
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  Antoine Monmayrant LAAS - CNRS
  7 avenue du Colonel Roche
  BP 54200
  31031 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

  Tel:+33 5 61 33 64 59
  email : antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
  permanent email : antoine.monmayrant at polytechnique.org


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