[Scilab-users] Data acquisition with Scilab - 01 - Introduction

Witczenko witczenko at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 11:32:59 CEST 2018

Dear Scilabers, 
In these post, I want to show you how to use Scilab for data acquisition
with free MicroDAQ toolbox. 
I hope it would be helpful for some of you. 

MicroDAQ Toolbox lets you make a variety of measurements directly from
Scilab without the need to
convert the data or import from other software. The toolbox includes
functions for controlling analog inputs, 
analog outputs, digital I/O (quadrature encoders, PWM). 
In this post, I want to focus on acquiring an analog signal.   

Let's start by installing latest toolbox version:

Once toolbox is installed we can check what MicroDAQ unit we've connected to
our PC. 

Now we can start the main part. By using two commands from toolbox we can
data acquisition session and acquire samples. 

Here is the code:
*mdaqAIScanInit(1, [-10 10], %F, 1000000, 0.1);
data =mdaqAIScan(100000, %T);

The first command sets analog channel 1 (AI1) with ±10V input range and
1Msps sampling rate for 0.1 second. 
The second command reads acquired analog samples.


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Best Regards, 

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