[Scilab-users] scilab mkdir and UNC path support

Antoine Monmayrant amonmayr at laas.fr
Mon Oct 29 16:17:03 CET 2018

Hi all,

The lack of support for UNC path in scilab is a real issue in our lab (UNC path are Windows paths that looks like \\server\dir1\subdir1\).
In particular it breaks atomsInstall for all the Windows users here as our home dir is mounted as a UNC path: \\servername\username.
I found the main issue (I think) in mkdir() at line 88:
    subdirs = strsplit(NewDirectory, ["/" "\"]);
obviously, splitting the  path to the new directory is not going to give you something nice with a UNC path that starts with "\\".
I have an idea to workaround this limitation, but there is still something I don't get in the logic of mkdir(): this splitting is associated with "bAddFirstDirSep", a variable that tries to detect something wrong with the first directory separator.
Could anyone more knowledgeable than me explain why it is there and what is is doing?
I would not want to reintroduce some bug with my modified version...



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