[Scilab-users] scilab mkdir and UNC path support

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Oct 29 19:40:14 CET 2018

Le 29/10/2018 à 16:17, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :
> Hi all,
> The lack of support for UNC path in scilab is a real issue in our lab (UNC path are Windows paths that looks like \\server\dir1\subdir1\).
> In particular it breaks atomsInstall for all the Windows users here as our home dir is mounted as a UNC path: \\servername\username.
> I found the main issue (I think) in mkdir() at line 88:
>      subdirs = strsplit(NewDirectory, ["/" "\"]);
> obviously, splitting the  path to the new directory is not going to give you something nice with a UNC path that starts with "\\".
> I have an idea to workaround this limitation, but there is still something I don't get in the logic of mkdir(): this splitting is associated with "bAddFirstDirSep", a variable that tries to detect something wrong with the first directory separator.
> Could anyone more knowledgeable than me explain why it is there and what is is doing?
> I would not want to reintroduce some bug with my modified version...

On windows, we have
--> pathconvert("c:\",%f,%t,"u")
  ans  =

I don't know what we might do with this. There is no cygdrive on my 
computer (AFAIK :/)

Conversely, could you try something like
--> pathconvert(your_slashslash_path, %f, %t, "w")


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