[Scilab-users] efficiency in HD read

Federico Miyara fmiyara at fceia.unr.edu.ar
Sat Dec 21 18:21:29 CET 2019

Dear all,

I'm curious about the following. Sometimes several data are retrieved 
from a file using several read operations, such as in this code from 
function wavread:

wFormatTag  =  mget(1,  "us",  fid);   // Data encoding format
nChannels  =  mget(1,  "us",  fid);  // Number of channels
nSamplesPerSec  =  mget(1,  "ui",  fid);  // Samples per second
nAvgBytesPerSec  =  mget(1,  "ui",  fid);  // Avg transfer rate
nBlockAlign  =  mget(1,  "us",  fid);  // Block alignment

This could well have been done reading all data at once. It would be a 
bit more complicated to convert the data to the final form because of 
the heterogenuous size of the fields (some are two-byte and others 

Doesn't this approach impose more mechanical stress on the hard drive? 
Or even larger access time?

Or upon the first read a full sector is transferred to a buffer?

Thanks for any insight!


Federico Miyara
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