[Scilab-users] Nysquist instruction - fmin fmax parameters vectorized controlling

Pierre PERRICHON perrichon.pierre at wanadoo.fr
Thu Oct 31 18:34:44 CET 2019

Dear all,

As said in the nyquist help instruction, it is possible to get a nyquist plan using this instruction

nyquist( sl,[fmin,fmax] [,step] [,comments] [,symmetry])

... and this example in the same doc :

nyquist([Plant;Plant*PID],0.5,100,["Plant";"Plant and PID corrector"]);

Here, we see that s1 can be a vectorized siso. Also, the legend is vectorized in the same size.


But 0.5 and 100 are not vectorize, and as to stay in final in a same quarter, as hope, I need to impose min 
and mas for h1, h2, h3 ...hn on the siso matrix.

But this is not the case for fmin and fmax, even if it is described in the documentation:

"The frequencies are given by the bounds fmin,fmax (in Hz) 
or by a row-vector (or a matrix for multi-output) frq"

It doesn't work, I get error, and I'm not able to precise each min and max in that syntax,
even if it is easy to get these one for each component in a loop with the vectorized siso,
using the instruction :

Correct with only one transfer function.

The aim is to plot the legend.
That work here, but representation is bad due to the not vectorized fmin fmax
Imagine an isoview (-1,-1, 1 ,1)

I can control the min max in a quater if I plot each member one after one,in a loop but in this case I'm not enable
to set any the relevant legend
Is there a solution ? May be in scilab 6.1.0 ?

I look for a syntax as :
[nyquist([h1;h2], [[fminh1, fminh2);[fmaxh1, fmaxh2]],["h1";"h2"])
or, better :
[nyquist([h1;h2], [fminh1, fminh2],[fmaxh1, fmaxh2],["h1";"h2"])

Best regard
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