[Scilab-users] Overarching subplot title for graphic window

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Fri Apr 9 20:56:57 CEST 2021

Le 10/03/2021 à 22:40, bty22 a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have been trying to figure out a way to add an overarching title on the
> graphic window that goes above the subplots? I have titles over each of my
> subplots, but I want one that is the title of the graphic window where the
> subplots are shown. I want to have the title to give a summary of what the
> subplots are of.
> I know it can be done in matlab through suptitle, but I couldn't find a
> respective equivalent for scilab.
> Thank you for your response in advance.

The following simple code should work, but a subplot's bug prevents it. 
Let's fix it for the next scilab version:

clf,  title  "The  overall  title"  fontsize  4
subplot(1,2,1),  Matplot1,  title  "Plot  #1",  xlabel  ""
subplot(1,2,2),  param3d,  title  "Plot  #2"

The position of the main title can be tuned afterwards.


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