[Scilab-users] xfpoly: would wish that the filling colour could be made transparent.

Heinz Nabielek heinznabielek at me.com
Fri Apr 9 23:55:23 CEST 2021

xfpoly does generally a good job for me, sometimes I would wish that the filling colour could be made transparent.

PS 1: Is there a new version of the 2011 BetweenCurves around?

PS 2: Any suggestion to make my clumsy coding more elegent, is highly welcome

PS 2: BTW, since the recent lockdown, infection rates are coming down in Austria.....

A=[12.628    13.942    17.077    17.054    15.594    14.976    14.796    11.875    13.448    16.504    17.717    19.447    16.099    13.302    13.762    16.032    19.492    22.098    20.425    21.087    20.649    14.268    19.402    22.525    26.862    23.514    27.603    23.851    15.830    21.570    28.682    26.109    29.974    28.727    24.705    21.458    27.087    28.401    33.670    35.119    33.962    28.120    21.301    27.244    37.467    37.715    39.490    37.569    30.480    27.098    38.366    36.951    35.097    43.759    39.299]';
M=[ones(up) up];
MM=[ones(U) U];
yh = M*aa;     //Fitted values yh to approximate measured y's
e=A-yh;     //Errors or residuals
SSE=e'*e;     //Sum of squared errors
ybar=mean(A); R2=1-SSE/sum((A-ybar)^2);
[m n]=size(M);
MSE = SSE/(m-n-1);     //Mean square error
C=MSE*B  // covariance matrix
[aa seb]
[n pp]=size(M);
CONF=.95; alpha=1-CONF;
ta2 = cdft('T',n-pp,1-alpha/2,alpha/2);     //t-value for alpha/2
yhh= MM*aa;
N=[yhh+ta2*p  yhh-ta2*p];
polyX = [DD;flipdim(DD,1)];
polyY = [N(:,1);flipdim(N(:,2),1)];
plot2d([0 80],[1 100], style=0,logflag = "nl");
xfpoly(polyX, polyY,6);
plot(d,A,'b.') ;
title('AUSTRIA daily infection rates per 100,000','fontsize',5);
xlabel('days since 1 Feb 2021','fontsize',3);
ylabel('number of infections per day per 100,000','fontsize',3);
legend('data from Johns Hopkins GitHub','95% confidence range','model prediction','AUSTRIA recorded',4);

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