[Scilab-users] scicv - CV_FOURCC

P M p.muehlmann at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 19:44:53 CET 2021

Dear ,

from the scicv toolbox I use the new_VideoWriter - function:

videoWriter = new_VideoWriter(filename, fourcc, fps, frameSize)

Everything fine so far, except:

There are artefacts in the final video., which I guess are connected
to compression.

Here are some lines from my code:

videoWriter = new_VideoWriter(outPath, CV_FOURCC('M', 'P', '4', '2'),
frameRate, size(img));
if ~VideoWriter_isOpened(videoWriter) then
    disp("Cannot create video file: " + outPath);end
for i = 1:nrOfFiles
    img = imread(inPath(i));
    VideoWriter_write(videoWriter, img);

*Question 1:* What other formats are possible for "CV_FOURCC"?
I just used    'M', 'P', '4', '2'      , because it's the only
mentioned in the help.

*Question 2:* What format should - ideally - the input images have?
Currently I use BMP's, created with xs2bmp.

Thank you,

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