[Scilab-users] please help, I have just a mental blockade

Heinz Nabielek heinznabielek at me.com
Mon Feb 7 20:15:52 CET 2022

> On 07.02.2022, at 18:35, Heinz Nabielek <heinznabielek at me.com> wrote:
> Sorry, colleagues  -   please help, I have just a mental blockade.
> Given vector EE= [3 5 8]
> I want to create a stepwise increasing vector E= [0 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3]
> And would need a system that works for much larger numbers....

Sorry to bother you, it was dead easy:
n=12; EE=[3 5 8]; E=zeros(1:n);
 for j=1:3;
for k=EE(j):n;E(k)=E(k)+1; end;

 E  =   0.   0.   1.   1.   2.   2.   2.   3.   3.   3.   3.   3.

I do not know why it did not work on my first attempt........

And: perhaps not the most elegant with a doubly nested do-loop.

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