[Scilab-Dev] demande

Simone Mannori Simone.Mannori at inria.fr
Tue Jan 29 21:00:36 CET 2008

Dear Raymundo,

my name is Simone Mannori. I'm Italian, so this means that I'm just a
man and not a woman. Now that we have fixed this little detail,
we can pass to our real core business :) 

With Scilab/Scicos you can model and simulate the full electro
mechanical system: mechanical load, motor, power drive, PWM generation
and control circuits.

Several years ago I made a full simulation using "the other" non open
source simulator ad I manually coding the control algorithm for a TI DSP
(TMS 320F240) using C and assembly language. 

If you ask if we have a ready made Scicos model for this kind of
application the answer is, unfortunately, no.

If you have developed a model and you are looking for help or
suggestions to optimize your simulation, please send us your files.

After that we will be very pleased to discuss your specific

Simone Mannori - Scilab/Scicos Embedded Applications Eng.

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 21:54 -0500, Cordero R. wrote:
> Dear Madame
> I have made  a model of a squirel-cage induction motor, a SV-
> PWM inverter and the algorithm of direct torque control (DTC) in
> SCICOS. Now, I am investigating a better control algorithm based on a
> synchronous reference of a stator current and voltage.
> I hope someone can translate it in french.
> Regards
> Raymundo Cordero G.
> CIEEP-Perú
> 2008/1/28, Anissa Raheme <anissa16 at yahoo.fr>:
>         bonjour 
>         je te demande de m'envoyer les bloc de simumlation en matlab
>         simulink de la regulation de la vitesse d'un moteur asynchrone
>         en utilisnt logique flou adaptatif au sein de la commande
>         vectorielle
>         merci
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