[Scilab-Dev] demande

Cordero R. rcorderog at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 22:34:20 CET 2008

Dear Simone,

Firstly, I want to apologize for my error. I want to answer a email from
Anissa Raheme (that is why I use madame). I made a model of a squirel cage
induction motor for my thesis and because I work in a research center in my
country, Perú: CIEEP,

I compared my model with the model in the SimPower system of MATLAB, with
the same results.
In my model, I enter the values of resistors, inductances, pair of poles,
friction, moment of inertia, etc. in the Diagram->context of SCICOS. There
is a variable, Lx, which is automatically calculated and its part of the

In the future, I would like to make a library like the SimPower System of
MATLAB. Now, I am making libraries of field oriented control (FOC) and
direct torque control (DTC) and SV-PWM inverter, and make lots of
publications in the IEEE using SCILAB, because nobody in my country has made
something like that.

I send you my model.

Raymundo Cordero

PD: On 30th January, I will give a videoconference in two universities of
Perú about SCILAB as an open-source tool in electronic engineering. The
objective is to promote the use of SCILAB in universities.

2008/1/29, Simone Mannori <Simone.Mannori at inria.fr>:
> Dear Raymundo,
> my name is Simone Mannori. I'm Italian, so this means that I'm just a
> man and not a woman. Now that we have fixed this little detail,
> we can pass to our real core business :)
> With Scilab/Scicos you can model and simulate the full electro
> mechanical system: mechanical load, motor, power drive, PWM generation
> and control circuits.
> Several years ago I made a full simulation using "the other" non open
> source simulator ad I manually coding the control algorithm for a TI DSP
> (TMS 320F240) using C and assembly language.
> If you ask if we have a ready made Scicos model for this kind of
> application the answer is, unfortunately, no.
> If you have developed a model and you are looking for help or
> suggestions to optimize your simulation, please send us your files.
> After that we will be very pleased to discuss your specific
> requirements.
> Simone Mannori - Scilab/Scicos Embedded Applications Eng.
> On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 21:54 -0500, Cordero R. wrote:
> > Dear Madame
> > I have made  a model of a squirel-cage induction motor, a SV-
> > PWM inverter and the algorithm of direct torque control (DTC) in
> > SCICOS. Now, I am investigating a better control algorithm based on a
> > synchronous reference of a stator current and voltage.
> > I hope someone can translate it in french.
> > Regards
> > Raymundo Cordero G.
> > CIEEP-Perú
> >
> > 2008/1/28, Anissa Raheme <anissa16 at yahoo.fr>:
> >         bonjour
> >         je te demande de m'envoyer les bloc de simumlation en matlab
> >         simulink de la regulation de la vitesse d'un moteur asynchrone
> >         en utilisnt logique flou adaptatif au sein de la commande
> >         vectorielle
> >         merci
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >         ______________________________________________________________
> >         Ne gardez plus qu'une seule adresse mail ! Copiez vos mails
> >         vers Yahoo! Mail
> >
> >
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