A sum-up of my test on the demonstration script

Collette Yann ycollet at freesurf.fr
Wed May 21 13:16:46 CEST 2008


You will find here a sum-up of the test I performed on the demo script 
of scilab-5-24868.
There are some problems (some a trivial to correct but others ...).
I use linux mandriva-2008.1 (32 bits) on AMD 64 (and compiling 32 bits 
See at Tcl/TK: a free on a pointer mades scilab crash on severel Tcl/TK 

For scicos, I have an idea. When I launch scicos, I first see a graphic 
pops up. Then the menu bar appears, the window is resized, etc ...
The scicos windows is changing shape a lot.
So, why don't you open a pop up like "Scicos loading", then building a 
hiding window and the, when everything is ready, show scicos ?

For the scicos demo, I think somebody should open every demo, do a "fit 
to window" and then save each scicos demo (just my point of view).

Your sincerely,

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