[Scilab-Dev] Re: and idea for the development of Scipad

Torbjørn Pettersen torbjorn.pettersen at broadpark.no
Thu Oct 16 22:29:39 CEST 2008

> For me this new version spits:
> -->help_from_sci("D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox/toolbox_creator.sci","D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox")
>  D:\Scilab\FVtests\tp_toolbox\D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox/toolbox_creator.xml
>  !--error 10000
> mputl: Cannot open file
> D:\Scilab\FVtests\tp_toolbox\D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox/toolbox_creator.xml.
> at line      32 of function mputl called by :
> line   298 of function help_from_sci called by :
> help_from_sci("D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox/toolbox_creator.sci","D:/Scilab/FVtests/tp_toolbox")
> Unfortunately apparently it does. What was working with the previous version is
> now broken.
> Any idea? I didn't take a close look at the changes, they are quite numerous
> between the two versions.
Sorry about that...
The problem seems to be the use of "/" as file separator in your calling 
parameters in a dos environment where filesep() is "\".
Try the enclosed version and see if it works better. I added a 
pathconvert(funname).. at line 187. It solved the problem on my system 

Torbjørn Pettersen

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