[Scilab-Dev] Re: and idea for the development of Scipad

François Vogel fvogelnew1 at free.fr
Sun Oct 19 21:15:09 CEST 2008

Thanks, I have integrated your new versions in my ready-to-go commit.


Torbjørn Pettersen said on 19/10/2008 17:56:
> Hi,
> Enclosed are two updated versions of help_from_sci.sci and accompanying 
> .xml.
> In the head_commentsection of help_from_sci.sci where I try to 
> illustrate the use of xml codes in the comments (by making a bullet list)
> I forgot a </listitem> and this resulted in a corrupt help_from_sci.xml 
> file.
> By the way, xmltohtml is not very helpful when finding a corrupt xml 
> file in a directory.
> It crashes without telling which file or line number offended it.
> -Torbjørn.

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