[scilab-Users] compilation de scilab 5.1.1 sous RHEL 4u5

Collette Yann ycollet at freesurf.fr
Thu May 21 08:12:23 CEST 2009

Another idea: go to java.sun.com and download a java package for your linux.
Install it in a separate directory. For example /opt/java
and before launching scilab, do a export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jre
and start scilab

Does this help ?


> There isn't any. When I start scilab, I got the Java configuration warning and that's all. The GUI doesn't appear, there's no error, the program doesn't return. The scilab-bin process runs, but nothing happens.
> I don't think it has anything to do with the Java warning, because with the binary version, I don't get the warning, but I still have exactly the same problem. Anyway, here is the warning :
> Could not find the Java configuration for the OS <x86_64.Linux.2.6.9>. Please contact us or submit a bug report with your detailed configuration http://bugzilla.scilab.org/

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