[Scilab-users] module installation

jacques.beilin jacques.beilin at ensg.eu
Mon Nov 26 13:50:37 CET 2012

Dear Scilab users,

I'm new to Scilab. At the moment I use gnu Octave but I need to be able 
to use both for teaching purposes.

I wrote Octave packages. I'm trying to transform them into Scilab 
modules. I would like to write Scilab modules buts I do not want to put 
them on ATOMS (at least for the moment). With  Octave it is easy because 
once the package structure is followed, the package can be zipped 
(tar.gz) and installed using the command "pkg install 
my_package.tar.gz". If Octave has been started with sudo, the package is 
installed in "/usr/local/share/octave/packages/" otherwise it is 
installed only for the current user (in ~/octave/).

Is there a equivalent procedure on Scilab ? I cannot find the 
documentation about that.

Best regards,

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